The Algerian Intelligence Agency’s complicity

Why do I believe the Algerian Government is also involved?

On Monday the 10th of April 2006, I landed in Algiers, Algeria for what was supposed to be a benign administrative type of support in the US Defense Attaché Office (DAO) at the US embassy. My mission was temporary and my stay in country was supposed to last no more than 2 weeks. Immediately upon my arrival I realized I was under intensive surveillance by a joint Franco-Algerian intelligence team. They monitored me around the city of Algiers, in the hotel’s lobby and from an adjacent room to my hotel room. I am also certain they intruded into my computer, because I discovered certain spyware files on my laptop hard drive that were not there before, to facilitate such intrusion. Although their activities were supposed to occur clandestinely, but they were very apparent to me.

Three days later, on Thursday 13 April 2006, I discovered that someone had clandestinely switched my eye drops that I left in the hotel room, with a bio-chemical compound. Later, the chemicals threw my body for a loop and caused me to suffer several heart attacks and other physiological problems during a 2-week period. Subsequently the operation continued from Algiers to the Washington DC Metro area when I returned home. I figured immediately that someone was trying to murder me but to make it seem that I died of natural causes

In the Washington DC area, I was targeted with a very intense covert surveillance operation. I saw some of the same individuals that were monitoring me in Algiers. I also saw some others whom I have never seen before, but was able to link to those I saw in Algiers. I also noticed them as they were tracking me from country to country until I arrived in Washington DC metro area. The perpetrators included individuals who look like North Africans, sub-Sahara Africans, Western Europeans, and Americans. Many of these perpetrators were staying at the Residence Inn across the Pentagon on Army Navy Drive. When I got tired of their intrusiveness, I decided to photograph those I suspected were involved in the operation.

I knew I have stumbled upon something big. My suspicions were subsequently confirmed when I discovered that someone had clandestinely entered my hotel room in Old Town Alexandria to temper with my digital camera memory card. Someone tried to erase or remove the identity of the individuals and vehicles I had photographed. The same intruders also tempered with the videos on the memory card and cut out the identities of personnel they wanted to protect. I think they morons would have fared better if they had just taken the camera memory card.

Due to the technology and Modus Operandi (MO) involved, I immediately figured it has to be the French Intelligence Agency, but with a very strong possibility of the financial backing of the Algerian intelligence services, hence the Algerian government. It makes perfect sense for the Algerians to want me dead. Here is why:

- When the DGSE substituted my eye drop with the bio-chemical compound at the hotel in Algiers with the goal to murder me, the Algerian intelligence agency witnessed the act.

- Who knows the Algerians probably supported, sponsored, or even requested that action. However, I have no clue as to the true involvement of the Algerian Intelligence Services in that act. I am certain they have knowledge of it.

- At that time I was assigned at the US Embassy in Algiers, under the protection of articles 1, 29, and 37 of the 1961 Vienna Convention.

- I am able to identify some of the Algerian operatives while they were running wild in the DC area along with the French and their American lapdogs.

- I overtly took a lot of pictures and videos of the perpetrators.

- Imagine a conspiracy - perpetrated by the host country - to assassinate a diplomatically assigned officer while he/she was operating within the scope of his duties.

- I think the DGSE probably assured the Algerians of anonymity and convinced them that it is to their advantage to finish the job of killing me.

- Obviously the Algerians would prefer to see me dead rather than running the risk of the publicity of their complicity in their attempt to murder a diplomatically assigned officer in their own country, the US embassy in Algiers, a diplomatic post.

- I therefore concluded that the French and the Algerians targeted me for assassination, but in a manner to make it appear as if I died of natural causes.

This is a flagrant violation of International laws.

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