What can a victim do to minimize exposure to the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) torture? Once your body has been sensitized with some sort of an implant, the electromagnetic waves can reach you the target regardless of your location. Therefore, it is very difficult to avoid these idiots, because their intent is to torture you until you give up and do something that could possibly lend you in prison, or worst commit suicide. My exposure to this torture dated since 2006, I would like to share my experience with the other victims and those who might be in the cross hair of this EMR harassment. They use all methods to access the body, from a vehicle on the road, to an idiot carrying a normal mundane bag. The following is a compiled list that is based on my observations and direct experience dealing with this phenomenon:
- Bag carrying individual. Watch out for a bag-carrying person who would have entered any establishment immediately after you or has been waiting inside. That person would try to get close to your location or just passing nearby for no apparent reasons. The bag carriers are easily women carrying pocketbooks, or rolling computer bags.
- Do not isolate yourself. The worst thing you could do is to isolate yourself. You will play in their hands and they will be able to corner you a lot easier. Keep and nurture the few remaining friends and relatives who still believe in you. With isolation comes depression and much more detrimental health problems.
- Feet that suddenly got warmer than normal. If you feel your feet warmer than normal or a little itchy in any circumstance, you might have just been targeted with a heavy dose of radiation. Sometimes it is a matter of picking your feet up off the floor if possible.
- Glove anesthesia. If you feel numbness in your hands, do not share that information with anyone, least of all a primary care physician. It is an attempt to temporarily inflict you with glove anesthesia. In the medical field, this is seen as a mental problem. glove anesthesia
5. Track the origin of the torture. I think many victims were targeted because of something they might have witnessed during routine duties. So conduct an inventory of your contacts, travels, employment, as far back as about a year before you first became aware of being a victim. More than likely you will be able to discover the trigger of when and why you were selected for this torture. Remember also that the entity to which you might trace your agony may look as American as mom and apple pie, but might be on the payroll of a foreign entity.
6. Locations of perpetrators vehicles in traffic. Scan the traffic ahead for any vehicle driving awkwardly slower than the flow of traffic and for road conditions (20 MPH in a 45 MPH zone). Due to the nature of electromagnetic radiation and its short effective range, the morons would drive very slowly in traffic to allow you to get within range before firing or releasing the electromagnetic weapons. If you are taking too long to close the gap, they will attempt a left turn or a very slow, maladroit, right turn in order to force you to get within range. While scanning ahead, look for the vehicles that somehow chose to drive in the most populated traffic lanes. They are purposefully trying to stay back and give you the opportunity to close the gap and be within range. While scanning the rear traffic, watch out for the vehicle lingering at a distance. Also look for the vehicle that appears as if it is hiding behind other vehicles to your rear. Once the weapon is fired, they will make a quick right turn to vacate the area as quickly as possible.
7. Avoid high traffic areas. If it is possible, try to avoid multi-lane roads where they can be anywhere in traffic. On multilane roads, a car can be in the lane right next to your car shooting the radiation at your car pedals and your body. Try to use back roads where traffic is rather light. This way you can draw them to engage when traffic is fairly light and hopefully able to better identify them.
8. Privacy locks for home doors. Invest in a door chain or some sort of privacy lock that cannot be tempered with from the outside while you are at home. Remember the shower is very noisy and you will not hear someone opening the front door. Believe it or not, they do have a key to your home and your car.
9. Do away with routines. Remove all trends and patterns from your lifestyle. Alternate your gathering places. Forego that favorite coffee shop, restaurant, or bookstore. They use that against you in order to lay ambush on you. Always keep them guessing where you will eat or go.
10. Chemicals use. If you are a target, you better believe they are using some sort of radioactive chemicals to complement the use of LFI and EMR. I say it is a radioactive chemical because my body reacts to the chemical similarly to the waves, pulses, and radiation.
11. At the Laundromats. The morons have in the past applied chemicals and/or radiation to the laundry machines in order to get into my clothes. If you have to use public Laundromats, keep your eyes on the machines you are using. On several occasions I caught the scums adding some foreign objects to my laundry while the machines were running. I acted as if I did not see them, but adjusted accordingly. In fact a woman was sent to do add something to my machine as I was doing laundry at the hotel on Walter Reed Army Medical Center base.
12. Buy a bicycle. If you can use a bike to attend to your daily chores, consider using a bicycle on occasions. While on the bike trails, you can avoid them much better. However remember that they can easily strap a bag containing a radiation weapon on the bike. It may not be as powerful as the one in the car, but it has been done before. Also keep your eyes out for a woman pushing a baby stroller zipped shut in the heat of summer.
13. Be Mobile. Be as mobile as you can. However, beware of someone stopping you to ask you for directions. More than likely, the bag that person is carrying or the car he is driving contains a radiation weapon and you could be the target. Those morons have stopped me on several occasions to ask me for directions to the nearest McDonalds or to ask me for some other lame location.
14. Remain extremely flexible at all times. I think part of their success can be attributed to the average human unwillingness to adapt to change. Be willing to do without some of your favorite things. Be ready to adapt to another routine.
15. Stress relief and exercise. I think their plan is to overload the body with toxins or sodium that probably is supposed to react with electromagnetic radiations. So it is beneficial to exercise regularly in order to sweat those toxins out of your body. There were times that a layer of salt was very visible on my sweaty clothes.
16. Compartmentalize. Compartmentalization, I think, is the best way to keep your sanity. While it may appear that everyone is after you, but this is not the case at all. So do your best to keep in mind that some people in this world are evil while not everyone you encounter is out to hurt you. The goal is to cause you to lash out at anyone you encounter and get you admitted or imprisoned.
17. Computers. Thank goodness for progress in electronic gadgets, but they can be your greatest enemies. The perpetrators are very adept at harnessing this technology in order to radiate your body. Remember it is an intelligence operation with unlimited funds and the technology for remote access to computers or anything electronic does exist:
a. When you boot up your computer and notice a message on the screen updating the registry followed by windows phased updates, your computer has some sort of a bug in it. If possible reformat or change your hard drive. They can get access to your computer the following manner:
· Via the power cable through the wall outlet. Your firewall or antivirus software means nothing to them.
· Remotely via the wireless card on your computer. I disabled the wireless hardware and switch on my laptop.
· If you leave it at home, it is even much easier to move a file to your computer.
b. Computer Cameras. If I were you I would cover the computer camera that comes with the laptop. They have the capability to remotely turn this camera on and watch what you are doing and be able to see where you are.
b. Make sure you know the content of your hard drive. I discovered these two files on my computer while I was in Algiers. When I double click on the cab file it brought up the file explorer folder which allows anyone to view the content of my hard drive remotely.
· ff174a36-97ab-4076-bd8a-8b059ed5e300.cab
· ff174a36-97ab-4076-bd8a-8b059ed5e300.xml
c. Remember your iTunes music folder does not have a physical jpeg file of a picture depicting your album art. The album art you are able to see while listening to your music is really a batch file downloaded from the website. If you are able to see a picture as a jpeg file of a particular album /CD cover somewhere in your music directory, it is a spy-ware. I have discovered the following files of pictures of album covers of the corresponding music already in my music folder:
· AlbumArt_{0B8DBF0E-9724-4D23-8AC9-C2D76BEC51E6}_Small
· AlbumArt_{0B8DBF0E-9724-4D23-8AC9-C2D76BEC51E6}_Large
· AlbumArt_{2BCD5E3E-30A8-4ED9-A734-64F23EA3F231}_Large
· AlbumArt_{2BCD5E3E-30A8-4ED9-A734-64F23EA3F231}_Small
· Folder
18. Runaway electronics. Watch out for runaway electronics in your car. I just purchased a new bicycle that came with a new bike computer, which provides the rider with the following features: odometer, speedometer, clock, and timer etc. About a week later, the odometer read over 33,000 miles. Being under constant attack of electromagnetic waves, pulses, and radiations, I checked it after another week and the odometer read over 77,000 miles. I could be wrong, but I think the glitch might be an interference of the electromagnetic waves/pulses that have constantly permeated my life. Please refer to the Tuesday, 23 February 2010, USA Today article: "Could electronics be what’s causing runaway cars?" I do not know if there is a real correlation between a small bike computer and the more sophisticated car computers, but it is worth keeping in mind.
19. The iPhone. There was a period, each time I turned on my iphone, I would feel the same debilitating radiation that I normally feel when a burst of radiation is fired at me. I figured that a radiation file was remotely placed on my iphone to activate each time the phone is turned on.
20. The Bose Lifestyles 38 entertainment system. My Bose lifestyles entertainment system has the storage capability for many music CDs. I am not sure of the capacity, but so far I have downloaded close to 70 CDs on the system for future playback. Lately when the system is on for DVD or CD playback, I distinctly feel the overwhelm nature of radiation. I would get better when I turn off the system. My point is this. It is very easy to place a file on the Bose system hard drive to be activated when the system is switched to on.
21. Home wireless network. I would feel the same overwhelming feeling of my body being radiated when I am close to the wireless router. So I no longer use such technology at home and gave that router away too. It is easy to remotely harness the wireless capability and enhance it to a degree to radiate your body at home in your living room.
22. LCD/HD flat screen TVs. Watch out for this technology as well. They are able to harness it and radiate you while you are watching your favorite program. I remember as I was watching the last world cup, as soon as I turned the TV on, I came down with a Headache. I felt the overwhelming sensation of being radiated. As soon as I turned the TV off or moved away from it, I felt better. My advice is to keep your old boxy Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). Somehow, when I used that one to watch TV I have not felt the radiation as strong. I am not 100% sure that it cannot be used.
23. Cell phone batteries. 99% of us consumers go about life everyday with the greatest beacon that is facilitating the actions of the perpetrators. It is the cell phone. When powered, that gadget can be turned on remotely to allow anyone with the proper technology to listen to everything you are saying crystal clear. Moreover, it can also be used as a tracking GPS device to locate you. Consider removing the battery from your cell phone when not in use, because they can track you and hear your plans and precede you to your next location. In fact a simple antiquated cell phone might be better suited for anyone who is targeted.
24. Keep your head level. Remain strong and do not give them the pleasure of seeing you capitulate by becoming violent or committing suicide. Avoid the actions that can get you incarcerated, because this is what they want.
25. Nurture your spirituality. Prayer is the best remedy; the best we can do is to pray. Pray to the creator, the Most High, the Merciful, our Lord Jehovah every moment you can spare. It will pay you great dividends.